Saturday, April 23, 2011

Ch. 25-26

These are some of the animals Phoebe and I saw at the zoo. On our walk to the zoo Phoebe was mad at me because when we were at the Museum of Art she asked me to take her with me when I go out west. I tell her that I am not going to go away and I ask her to go back to school but she rufuses and I asked her if she wanted to go to the zoo. After the zoo I take her to the park and Phoebe is still mad at me but not as mad. I convince her to ride the carousel and I sit on the park bench and watch. I have resigned my problems with Phoebe. I am wearing my red hunting hat and I feel so happy that I could cry. This is the happiest I have ever felt in a long time.

Ch. 23-24

This is the hunting hat that I gave to Phoebe before I left for Mr. Antolini's house. I gave Phoebe my hunting hat so she would have a piece of me always with her because I told her I was going to move out west alone. Before I left she gave me some money for my trip. Mr. Antolini was an old English teacher that I had at Elkton Hills and when I told him that I had been kicked out of another school, he offered to let me stay at his house for a while. When I get to Mr. Antolini's, I can tell that he has been drinking because there are glasses and dishes everywhere. Mr. Antolini tells me that he is worried about me because he says that I am primed for a major fall, a fall that will leave me frustrated. After the conversation I fall asleep, suddenly, I wake up because I feel a hand stroking my head and it is Mr. Antolini. I feel that Mr. Antolini was making a homosexual move and I hurry out of his house.

Ch. 21-22

This is a picture of my family's apartment in New York. When I look at this picture it reminds me of the time when I went to see Phoebe and I got so lucky. I got so lucky because when I went to visit her there was a new elevator operator that did not recognize me and I said I was going to visit the Dicksteins, who lived across the hall from my family. When I got into the apartment I went to Phoebe's room but she was not there. So I checked D.B.'s room because Phoebe likes to spread out and sleep in D.B.'s room when he is not home. Phoebe was sleeping so I read one of her school books and in one of the books it says "Phoebe Weatherfield Caulfield" even though her middle name is Josephine. When Phoebe got up she knew that I was two days early and that I had been kicked out of school again. Phoebe was always a very smart kid.

Ch. 17-20

When I saw this picture of the Radio City Music Hall, it reminded me of the time I went to see a play with Sally. The actors annoy me because like Ernie the piano player, they are almost to good at what they do and are full of themselves. After the play Sally and I went ice-skating.

I think the only reason that Sally wanted to go ice-skating was to wear a short skirt and show off her cute butt. I do admit that I find it attractive.

After leaving the skating rink I once again think about calling Jane. When I called her no one picked up. To kill some time I went to watch another play at the Radio City Music Hall. Watching this play reminded me of Allie and I loving the kettle drum player in the Radio City pit orchestra.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Ch. 15-16

When I saw this picture of these nuns, it reminded me of the time when I called Sally to go on a date for that afternoon. I went to get breakfast at a restaurant and I started talking to some nuns at the restaurant. The two nuns were on their way to Manhattan to teach in a school. I was thinking about pency and I started to talk to one of the nuns about Romeo and Juliet. Even though I hate organized religion, I force the nuns to take ten dollars as a charitable donation. After the two nuns leave, I realize that even though I need money for my date with Sally, I began to regret only giving ten dollars. I feel that money always makes people depressed. After breakfast I went for a walk. I think about the selflessness of the nuns and cant imagine anyone I know being so generous and giving.