Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Ch. 11-14

I took a cab to Greenwich Village nightclub called Ernie's. I got a table, some drinks and I could hear the conversations around. I found the conversations to be depressing and phony. At the club I encountered a girl named Lillian and she use to date D.B. and I was forced to leave because I wanted to get away from her. I walked forty-one blocks back to the Edmont Hotel. When I was taking the elevator up to my room, the elevator operator asked me if I wanted to get a prostitute for five dollars. I said yes because I was depressed and flustered. When I was waiting for the prostitute in my room I was thinking about cowardice and I feel that the reason why I have never slept with a girl was because I lacked the aggression. I believe that women want a man who asserts power and control. When the prostitute arrives and when she sits on my lap I tell her that I cannot do this and ask her to leave. When I give her the five dollars on her way out, she demands another five dollars because she claims that the price is ten dollars, but I refuse and she leaves. Later that night I hear a knock on my door and when I answer it, it is the prostitute and the elevator operator that set her up with me. They demand the five dollars but I refuse and then the elevator operator pins me against the wall and the prostitute takes my wallet and they take off.

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