Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Ch. 7-10

Today I left Pency and I am on my way to New York. I took the train into New York and I was talking with one of my former classmates mothers. She is the mother of Ernest Morrow, who I dislike, but I told great lies about him. She asked me why I left Pency so early, so I told her I had a brain tomer operation. When I got into New York I took a cab to the Edmont Hotel. When I got into my room I could see across the court yard and see into other rooms and I was disgusted at what I saw. Then i went down to the lavender room, which is a night club in the hotel. When I was down in the lavender room I tried to get some alcohol, but when the waiter refuses I go and talk to three girls from Seattle. They seem amused for a while, but then they start laughing at me. Then i lied to them about seeing Gary Cooper and I bought them some drinks then left.

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